Who funds this?
The money is from my personal funds. This is not a foundation or an organization. In cases where other donors fund additional grants, those will also be gifts/loans from their personal funds and they will be contacting you directly to arrange the transfer of the funds.
Why are you doing this? What is your mission?
One of my personal goals is to invest in women and this is one of the ways I'm choosing to do so. I think women are great and extremely underfunded. I feel very lucky to be in a position to do this.
Who is eligible?
This is for any woman seeking funding for a project or goal that falls under the following categories: education (your own personal educational goals or as an educator), human rights, sustainability, health, environmental causes, research, social work, entertainment endeavors that work to promote social change (ie: a podcast, screenplay, tv series etc with progressive themes), art projects with progressive themes, projects that aim to provide help/platform/education/safe space for a marginalized group, individuals with well-thought out or established plans for community work or established foundations with a history of community work. At this time, businesses that sell consumer goods with no social change commitment are not qualified for this grant.
. There are not any restrictions with regard to location or age.
Should I send more info? What else do I have to do?
This grant is structured to be very informal and easy to submit for because I hope to reach women who aren't typically exposed to funding opportunities. All you need to do is fill out the submission form. I ask that winners allow me to announce their
project/goals, but if you have privacy concerns please shoot me an email and we can talk about it!
While I appreciate the sentiments and willingness to "go the extra mile" please note that following me, DMing me, emailing me, showering with me with compliments will have no bearing on the selection process, so please include everything you want on the application!
How will the recipient(s) be selected and announced?
There is no special formula or checklist of things I am looking for. Anything to speaks to me or grabs my attention will be considered. I'm sure there will be many compelling stories & projects, and my intent is to pick one I feel has a good chance of success, something you've demonstrated a real interest/passion for by starting work on it, and will be an asset to the wider world.
You will be notified via email on the listed selection date and then announce (with your permission) on social media and a website I'm creating for this. Make sure you enter your email correctly!
UPDATE 3/7/2020
Grant recipients may now be selected by a designated selector other than myself.
Nobody other than myself & the selector will have access to your submission and she has signed a non-disclosure agreement in regards to this fund. I am still responsible for funding and disbursing funds.
How many grants are available?
I am committing to funding one woman/project per round. Additional grants MAY be available depending on gifts from other funders, but I can only guarantee what I am offering.
How often will you be doing this?
My hope is to offer these grants as I'm able to throughout the year. The amount may or may not vary from round to round. The specific details of the amount, distribution dates etc will always be listed on the submission form.
I'm interested in funding a mini-grant of the same or different amount. How do I do this?
Great! Congrats on being awesome. Contact me at ceceliahb@gmail.com for more info.
Is this a scam?
No. Your information will only be seen by myself or other funders and won't be used for any purpose other than the selection process.
IsN't tHiS DiScRiMiNaToRy AgAiNsT MeN?
Get a life.